Always Ready vs Vaca Diez H2H
The position is a 12-month contract and will be available 1 February 2021. Applicant must be a team-oriented individual willing to share day-to-day responsibilities on campus; work before and after school and some weekends traveling with cadets; and support school and community service events. Applicant should have a CDL or be willing to obtain a CDL. Prior experience as an NJROTC Instructor is a plus. West Ouachita High School’s NJROTC is a program on the rise as demonstrated by it receiving three consecutive Area 8 Unit Achievement awards. All teams within the program are active. Unit enrollment is typically 100-110 cadets from a total school enrollment of approximately 1100, and has great support from school administration, district offices, and the community. The school operates on a conventional schedule.
Hansen@laurel. us or, YNC Mark Acampa at Mark. Acampa@laurel. Unit tel: (606) 862-4710. LA GRANGE HIGH SCHOOL 3619A 2022. 01 LAKE CHARLES, LOUISIANA, 706071898 The position is now Hard Fill, opened to those certified and are retired over 6 years. LaGrange High School Navy JROTC is seeking an energetic and highly motivated, certified Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard Officer (W2-O6) to fill its Senior Naval Science Instructor (SNSI) position. LaGrange High School has an enrollment of approximately 700 students and is a well-established unit in the state of Louisiana.
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